Sunday, October 13, 2013

What You Dont Need To Know

Right now it's pretty late around here and I've written a shitty paper that probably won't win me any prizes but I'm done, finito, færdig, finished and I have a week off school so wuhuu go me! So yea, I'm sitting here with the rain outside and I figured I'd do a completely random list of things you probably didn't know about me.

1. I hate lightning
2. I loooooooove rain
3. I don't read a lot of books because I get way too attatched
4. I love candy, and I eat so much of it that it's completely unfair that I dont weight 10000 pounds
5. I have an addiction to knitted and button shirts and I have at least 8 of each in my closet
6. I don't like the way I look from the back
7. I'm horrible at spelling (as you might have noticed), not just in english
8. I probably do the best accents you'll ever hear
9. If they play a song I know the lyrics to at a party I have to sing along, even if it's a really compliated rap and I'm the only one who knows the lyrics
10. I really really like coffee and I rarely go a day without it
11. If I go to bed with wet hair I have nightmares
12. I love flowers and plants and I wish I had more
13. I love watching documentaries about diseases and weird addictions and just people that are different in general
14. My favourite food is Korma with lamb, which I actually have in my fridge right now, so goodnight, and I'll see you soon.. x

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